Friday, March 9, 2007

Zionists are worse than Nazis but all Jews are not Zionists

Zionists are worse than Nazis but all Jews are not Zionists

Faruque Ahmed’s Declaration, British Jewish Declaration, Australian Jewish Declaration, European Jewish Declaration and the hidden truth and reality condemn modern day Nazis under the guise of Zionism except the U(z)SA and UK.

Hard times at the conversion school as Bishops equate Israel's actions to Holocaust, Diverse Jewish Voices defy the tabo and denounces clash of cultures like most Australians. Dick Cheney converts to Islam but why, do you know?

Why I Walked Away from the War in Iraq, Secret and Lies, The Deserter's Tale, the illegal and immoral Invasion of Iraq is an act of Terrorism and Zionism is worse than Nazism. Who control America generates the answer We control America. George Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush used to be an ardent supporter and financier of Adolph Hitler. Most of the Bush family members are belong to the secret Skull and Bone Society (CBS, Wikipedia, Bilderberg)!

Australian politicians and power brokers would do anything for Israeli child molesters and Muslim and Arab bashing are the most spectacular sports in the town. That’s why disgraced Michael Jools earlier and now Racist Ross Nelson of Kings Langley are playing the man with false and fabricated materials instead of playing the ball!

Osama is lovable than George! Rum Colony Criminals Rewarded are our issues of concern. The Dialogue of Padma And Salman Rushdie along with Salman and God are not too bad for a start beside Faruque Ahmed’s T-Shirt, Sydney Indy Media Conspiracy and do you know Who Deserve Holocaust?

Free America Now To Save Americans, New Australia, Love From Australia and Australian Love

Middle East Formula for Peace, The Result of American Terrorism, Zionised Diversion Tactics, Asian and Muslim Hater Owns 51% SC TV Indonesia, Do They Deserve Hitler?, Modern Day Hitler Marching!, Kangaroo Courts and Wombats and My Dolly are for your consideration.

Promoting Muslim And Christian Bashing as well as NSW Anti-discrimination Board are a slap in the face of Australian legal system.

Conspiracies, Anti_Muslim Conspiracies in Australia and Faruque Ahmed vs Radio Terrorists

Australian Flag A 'gang Colour' message # 20 and 112, and Image Of Christ At Waverton Train Station message #39 may shed some light of desperation in our political system.

Free Australia Now, Free America Now, Who control America, We control America, Invasion of Iraq is an act of Terrorism, WOMAN BEATEN IN JERUSALEM BUS FOR REFUSING TO MOVE TO REAR SEAT, Former Us President Slams Israel, Israeli HOLOCAUST in Palestine, Israeli Holocaust Continuum, Anti-Semitism, Zionism Is Anti-Semitism and Stop Killing Christians are unable to wake up mankind.

Freedom of Speech, Flight ban for anti-Bush T-shirt, Jesus Loves Osama, and Disclaimer speak for themselves. Hitler wanted to take over the world is not a bad one beside Australian ValuesMuslims Are Now Getting The Same Treatment, Jews had a century ago!

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ershad Manji are very lovely people too. Violence Fractures Palestine Unity Talks is a slap in the face of world justice and politics.

Egyptian Terrorists, Iranian terrorists, Iraqi Terrorists and Lebanese Terrorists are consistent with the world politics lingo.
are dedicated for your comments. are further examples of deliberate actions and inactions of the government to promote and foster racism and sectarianism. and


Darrin Hodges said...

If zionists are worse than nazis (a suggestion that I refute), then Islam must surely be worse than both of them combined.

UnionFaruque said...


Would you be kind enough to substantiate your comment please. You see anyone is capable of making a wild and reckless comment, specially a corner pub drunk.

Austro_Bangla said...

Zionism is worse than Nazism

The Zionism is worse than Nazism as one was the product of a few mad people during a difficult period of time comparing Zionsm - which is the product of millions of Israelis and their supporters stretching across half a century with a stamp of infinity!

The Nazism is based on German nationalism and Zionism is based on Jewish nationalism. The Nazism subscribes on racial purity and supremacy. The Zionism subscribes on religious purity and supremacy and eventually ends up with racial supremacy and purity like Nazism!

The Zionists are milking the "Holocaust Cow" while conducting war crimes, massacres and genocides in the longest running concentration of the universe located in the occupied Palestine with a stamp of infinity!

Abridged from: Zionism vs Nazism

UnionFaruque said...

Darrin failed to present any evidence in support of her claim.

We are waiting for you Darrin.