Thursday, July 22, 2010

Faruque Ahmed Hate United Them!

Faruque Ahmed Hate United Them!

Further to Rum Colony Taxi Industry Road Map, Racism of the Danish White Supremacist and as reported in Peer's Peers Ozcabbie July 2010 issue, “… the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 be amended to include a mandatory standard bailment contract containing minimum conditions such as a minimum of 50% share of earnings for the driver, the bailor pay 100% of fuel costs and gives all regular drivers a minimum renewable term of agreement of 12 months”.

Faruque Ahmed has been tirelessly tying to expose this issue for a long time. Alas! No one joined with him!!

ase examine the Taxi Driver Entitlement under the Law, Ghost and Gas – No Conspiracies and The NSW TWU's Crime against Taxi Drivers if you like. To your amazement, you may discover the NSW Taxi drivers were ahead of the Queensland Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994 by 30 years!

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